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March 9, 2015The Home
March 9, 2015Kings of the Season
$11.95 – $18.95
Kings of the Seasons is all about the beauty of discipline. Discipline is known to sharpen pleasure as life is found in death. In the end, discipline as a king of the seasons help us grow to know the seasons as to when we are to go to war in the battles of life. It points out that having understanding in the times and the seasons will help us to discipline ourselves to the spirit of God’s vision. When we are discipline to the spirit of God’s vision then we will grow to know what the nation (Church) ought to be doing at a specific time. This book proves that the highest point of discipline is learning to wait, that is, to wait on God.
This book is also about a series of relationships, better understood as divine relationships and when they are applied in our world will produce peace and harmony and when violated they lead to rebellion, chaos and disorder. It is these spiritual relationships that Lucifer violated and got thrown out of Heaven by Michael and His arch-angels. These relationships when understood help us to develop a keen and deep sense of understanding in dreams and visions as a way that God speaks to men. In the end it reveals that disciplined men and women who had endured the growling test of hardship by God develop thick spiritual overcoats of toughness through humility to handle dire situations while knowing quiet well that “tough times do not last but tough people do”.
Kings of the Season by Michael Lattiboudeaire, (The Great House Publishing, Inc. ISBN 1-889448-45-1 Hardcover $18.95 soft cover $14.95, Paperback $11.95) Product Code: KSX725558 Category: DISCIPLINE, INSPIRATIONAL, CURRENT AFFAIRS
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